Account registration

  • Service type
  • Data
  • Additional info
  • Sales info
  • Cooperation conditions
  • Agreements

Why is it worth filling in the registration form?

Filling in a form means setting up an account at Dotpay system and availing Dotpay online payment system to your customers.

It will take you only three minutes to establish an account and receive our offer!

We offer cooperation on the basis of regulations acceptance without a need to sign an agreement or a paper agreement.

Individual offer for WebBay clients:

  • 1,3%* commission on e-transfers
  • 1,3%* commission on e-wire transfers
  • 1,3%* commission on payment cards
  • Online instalments for free!
  • Activation fee only PLN 10!
  • No additional fees for refunds, pay-outs!
  • * not less than 0.30 PLN

Registration form

A payer does not need to register with Dotpay. Only the seller needs to have a registered account with Dotpay.

Service type

Account type

Service type

An account for companies with legal entity, institutions, organisations, foundations, sole proprietorship entity.

An account for natural persons without business activity.


Please provide data with accordance to company registration documentation. Fill in NIP or KRS field to automatically fetch name and address data from REGON registry.

Company registration country. For foreign companies we offer an individual contract.

Additional Info

Please specify all authorized persons to represent your company in accordance with the registration entry.

Sales info

Please provide www addresses and short services descriptions.

Del url

Please provide a specified sales category; if you sell shops, please provide shoe shop, if you sell service access content please provide the service type.

Please provide information on how you would like to use Premium Rate services.

Cooperation conditions

YES - you need to sign a paper contract and it may influence time of setting up an account. NO - set up an account and start accepting payments via transfers and online transfers. Credit card payment will be available in a later term.
