
doptay logo

Receiver: Test User (pzb@it.altra.pl)

Description: Zaplata_za_dostep_PPV

Total amount: 70.00 PLN

Choose payment method

Credit cards

Logotype of Payment cards. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of MasterPass. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Google Pay. Choose to pay with this payment channel.

Posponed Payments

Logotype of Supergrosz. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of PayPo. Choose to pay with this payment channel.

Fast transfers

Logotype of mTransfer. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płacę z Inteligo. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płacę z iPKO. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płacę z Citi Handlowy. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Pekao24Przelew. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płacę z ING.. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of BLIK. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Przelew24. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płacę z Plus Bank. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of VeloBank PBL. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Pay with Alior Bank. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Millennium - Płatności Internetowe. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Płać z BOŚ. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Pay Way Toyota Bank. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Bank Nowy S.A.. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Banki Spółdzielcze. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Pocztowy24. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Bank Spółdzielczy w Brodnicy. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Kasa Stefczyka. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Credit Agricole PBL. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of BNP Paribas - płacę z Pl@net. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Nest Bank. Choose to pay with this payment channel.


Logotype of ING Corporate customers. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Millennium Corporate customers. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Credit Agricole. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of BNP Paribas. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of iPKO. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of Santander. Choose to pay with this payment channel.


Logotype of Bank transfer / postal. Choose to pay with this payment channel.

Purses and vouchers

Logotype of SkyCash. Choose to pay with this payment channel.
Logotype of CinkciarzPAY. Choose to pay with this payment channel.


Logotype of Raty z Alior Bankiem PLN. Choose to pay with this payment channel.